Over spring break this year the whole family took a trip to San Antonio! Even though Grant has been before it was just as much fun the second time around! We rode ALL the rides and saw almost all the shows. Mom and Dad were worn out by the end of the day but Grant wasn’t!
Tag Archives: Kim
Stockshow 2014
We visited the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo on this beautiful sunny Sunday. We walked through all the barns and saw lots of animals, rode lots of the midway rides, and ate some delicious snacks. It was a lot of fun and a great family day!
Christmas 2013
Merry Christmas! Our family gathered at our house this year for the annual festivities and what festivities there were! Gifts for all, more food than we could eat (not counting the desserts), and joyful family fellowship were enjoyed by all. We all even play a board game to appease Kim – it worked even though she lost. The food was delicious and so were the gifts. We hope your family holiday was as much fun as ours!
Santa’s Christmas Eve Visit 2013
We all had a big surprise as the Big Man in red himself knocked on our door Christmas Eve night! After the disbelief and shock dissipated Grant had some questions for our special guest, like where are the reindeer?! Santa was nice enough to bring a special gift for our little guy as well as bringing Mrs. Claus with him. The visit was the talk of the evening and Mom and Dad were just a little jealous 🙂
Continue reading Santa’s Christmas Eve Visit 2013
Snow Days 2013
Here in Texas (of all places) we had a four day weekend due to the ice and snow! All three of us
didn’t leave the house for the entire time. It was great! We played legos, watched movies, drank hot chocolate, and had brief periods in the snow and ice all bundled up. To top it off we even had a late start on Tuesday when we had to return to real life.
Continue reading Snow Days 2013